Expert Title Support Services for Builders, Brokers and TIPICS that want their own title agency in Maryland, DC and Virginia
Builders, brokers and title insurance producers (TIPICs) play an instrumental role in real estate sales. If you’re a title insurance producer, you know how much work goes into servicing each client.
This support helps keep your clients at ease, but do you have anyone looking out for you?
We offer residential and commercial title support services for builders, brokers and TIPICS for all title production management procedures. The start-up costs of a title agency are significant and this is just the beginning including:
- Website setup
- IT management
- Software setup
- E and O insurance
- Surety bonds
- Employee training, salary, and benefits

Instead of taking on these costs, partner with us! We help builders, brokers and TIPICs manage everything that comes with title production and title insurance while still being a part of the process but without all the staffing, compliance and headaches of your own title agency.
The settlement process is a lot for any agency to handle. Allow our experienced team to undertake these tasks. With over a decade of experience, we are well prepared to handle all aspects of the real estate settlement and title insurance process.
Nothing goes smoothly 100% of the time, but we’re problem solvers. We provide solutions whenever a problem is encountered during the process, ensuring that your deal gets to closing.
Let us Private Label your agency
Own your own title company while we provide and manage your title production needs. We’ll help you get your agency up and running and, once in operation, we provide full scale, White Labeled title insurance services in which all services will be provided under your company’s name. Or, for TIPICs, you can operate under the name of Title-Rite Services allowing you to even more cost-effectively work under our umbrella of services and coverages. No matter which option you choose, using our services, your operations will be flexible, scalable, compliant, and secure.
We love what we do and remain passionate every step of the way. We’ve been in operation since 1995 and can navigate the ups and downs of the industry well.
We are proud to provide all title support services in Maryland, DC, and Virginia. If you’re ready to increase your income and not have the weight of operating a title agency on your shoulders, contact us using any of the methods listed below. We’re excited to partner with you.
Do you want your own title agency but don’t want all of the associated costs of start-up and staffing?
What Our Client’s Say
We’re a passionate team of problem solvers. We’re ready to take on any task you need from us. You can rest assured that we care about your company’s reputation as much as ours. Trust our experience and expertise in the industry.
Residential and Commercial Closing Services for Builders, Brokers and TIPICs
Let us take care of the closing procedures so you can focus on the work that matters to you. Commercial closings differ from residential closing processes by requiring several extra steps. Work with experts who have the knowledge, skill and experience to get your closing completed safely, securely and accurately every time.

Our Services
Processing Title Orders:
Dive into a hassle-free experience as we comprehensively manage the intricacies of title orders from start to finish. Our seasoned team is dedicated to ensuring a seamless and efficient process, tailoring our approach to suit your specific requirements.
Settlement Production:
Experience smooth sailing through the often-turbulent waters of settlements. We meticulously manage each detail, from initial setup to post-closing, assuring you of a service that alleviates the typical pressures associated with closing real estate transactions.
Title Search & Examination:
Accuracy isn't just preferred; it's essential. Our adept team dives deep into the data, conducting rigorous searches and examinations, to ensure every title is error-free and every title commitment we prepare is backed by thorough validation of the status of title.